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Dutch Masters Foil Fresh Royal Haze Cigarillos 30 Packs of 2


If you think of machine-made cigarettes, Dutch Masters comes to mind.  Dutch Master has long been an absolute favorite among smokers. The company was established in 1911. they're known for their smooth and refined taste, along with their delicate aroma and smooth smoking. Dutch Masters also has an array of flavors. Purple Haze has a huge variety of these cigars, which includes the most sought-after of them all: The Classic as well as Royal Haze.

The tobacco used to make the cigars was cultivated in Cuba. Wrappers are made from the finest Cameroon tobacco. That means that every smoke is flavoured with the flavors of grapes and honey. The fillers that are made of tobacco are made from Cuban seed tobacco which is specially grown to offer an astringent flavor. Royal Haze by Dutch Masters is pleasant, well-balanced flavor. The honey and grape flavors are organic and have an enjoyable flavor. It's slightly sweet.

Royal Haze Dutch Master is an exclusive blend different flavors. It's a sweet , smooth smoke with hints of earthiness. This cigar was created to be a slow-burning smoke, which isn't the norm for other brands using shorter fillers. The wrapper is made of natural tobacco leaves and has been specifically designed for the extremely slow burning smoke. The wrappers are produced by machines and are made up of Cuban seed tobaccos and a homogenized binder.

Must be 21 years or older to purchase these cigarillos.

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