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Smokin' G Pipe Tobacco Fresh Mint Blend 8 oz. Bag

In Stock

Delivery Time : 4-9 Business Days


The age where smoking and a freshened breath merge together has finally arrived, despite much adversity and opposition, thanks to the legendary Smokin ' G Fresh Mint Blend pipe tobacco. You guessed it, this menthol goodness tantalized the senses upon every inhalation, thanks to a mint laced amalgamation of Virginia and Burley tobaccos, which sufficiently deliver a mellow bodied smoke from start to finish. Rag cut into delicate but gorgeous pieces, each of your smoking sessions will be sprinkled with consistency in burn and extended durational periods. Next time you wish to experience a delicate freshness flowing through your mouth, choose his pipe tobacco.

This product is grown on all American farms and is exclusively owned by Tobacco Outlet Express, LLC. Placed carefully into a bag, which provides a double packaging solution, each of these products is optimized in the department of flavor and freshness preservation. Whether you're looking for quality or to simply to try something new, don't pass up on an opportunity to try this delicatessen.